50A Straight-Blade Temporary Power Distribution X-Treme Box 6506UGSX
Traditional Single Phase Straight-Blade Temporary Power Distribution Box, 125/250V 50A 3P4W Input & Feed-Thru, 6 x 125V 20A 5-20 + 1 x 250V 30A L6-30 Receptacles. |
Honda Generator
Small Honda Generator |
Acrylic Podium
43" tall x 20" wide |
Truss Podium
47" tall x 11" wide |
Mahogany Podium
Mahogany |
Mahogany Wood Podium Table Top
17" tall x 14" wide |
Wooden Oak Podium
Wooden Podium |
Expo Stanchion price per sq. ft.
Standard 8' to 10' wide. Rope color options are Red, Blue, Black, & Green. |
Chrome Stanchion price per sq. ft.
Standard 8' to 10' wide. Rope color options are Red, Blue, Black, & Green. Price of $2.00 is per foot. As an example, 10' of Rope and Stanchion would be, $20.00. |
Silver Easel
Standard Easel |
8'w x 46 h |
Garment Racks
Portable Garment Rack |
Whiskey Barrel
Also Offered with a Glass top or as a Bar |
Raffle Drum
8" Barrel x 11" wide |
American Flag
Flag and Stand |